Evofem Biosciences Inc (NASDAQ: EVFM) Says Phexxi® could Significantly Reduce Pregnancies Per Act of Intercourse

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Evofem Biosciences Inc (NASDAQ: EVFM) is pleased with the outcomes of its recent Phase 3 AMPOWER trial. The post hoc analysis on Phexxi® inspired hope among women. Evofem says the product supports the freedom of choice among women because they will have children when they want. It is about preventing unwanted pregnancies and undertaking proper planning.

Phexxi and what it means for women

The study analyzed Phexxi’s capabilities and discovered that it could prevent almost 99% of pregnancies per sexual activity. The study focused on 24,289 acts of intercourse and 101 pregnancies.

The Chief Executive Officer of Evofem, Saundra Pelletier, applauds the research and its success in delivering data showcasing Phexxi’s capabilities. The data shows it as a substance with the capacity to prevent pregnancy per act of intercourse, which is good news for women and doctors.

The new product is a game-changer because of its value to both doctors and women. Experts describe it as the armamentarium of choice for women.

The Journal of Sexual Medicine made a critical move early this year, and the publication of a post hoc analysis brought many interesting facts to the limelight. The goal was to establish an exploratory endpoint.

Ensuring the well-being of women

Women will lead better lives, considering the 88.7% figure representing women using Phexxi in AMPOWER and reaping its benefits. The figure represents the percentage of women who experienced improvements or maintained their sex life.

A lot has been happening in recent times. It was in the previous month that Evofem unveiled its post hoc analyses. Everything happened at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ annual clinical and scientific meeting.

The eye-opening session shed light on the use of  Phexxi in AMPOWER, and it seems women are moving towards safety. In addition, the product prevents incidences of urinary tract infections, considering the data provided in the session.

The registration AMPOWER trial pushed the FDA to approve Phexxi, which meant that women could safely use Phexxi from May 2020 onwards. The trial involved about 1,349 women from the United States.