RedHill Biopharma Ltd (NASDAQ: RDHL): A Promising Leap in Crohn’s Disease Treatment

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RedHill Biopharma Ltd (RDHL) has made a significant leap with its latest Phase 3 clinical trial results for RHB-104, a novel treatment for Crohn’s disease. The company’s stock saw a remarkable surge of nearly 98%, reflecting investor optimism following the announcement of these positive results.

Key Clinical Findings:

Newly published in the peer-reviewed journal Antibiotics, the Phase 3 study involved 331 patients and showcased the potential of RHB-104 as an effective treatment for Crohn’s disease. The primary endpoint, clinical remission at week 26, was achieved with high statistical significance in 36.7% of patients treated with RHB-104 plus standard of care (SoC), compared to 22.4% of patients receiving placebo plus SoC (p=0.0048). Importantly, the safety profile of RHB-104 was similar to that of the placebo.

The trial, conducted across more than 100 sites, supports the hypothesis of a Mycobacterial basis to Crohn’s disease. RHB-104’s triple antimicrobial therapy targets Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), which is thought to contribute to the disease.

Expert Insights:

Dr. David Y. Graham, Professor of Medicine and Molecular Virology and Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, and the lead investigator of the study, highlighted the groundbreaking nature of these findings. He stated, “This ground-breaking data shows that RHB-104, which contains antimicrobial therapy directed against Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, or MAP, which typically infects cattle, appears to be effective for the treatment of Crohn’s disease – potentially opening a new avenue of therapy directed against its possible cause.”

Dr. Graham also noted the importance of RHB-104’s benefits for patients receiving anti-TNF agents, corticosteroids, or immunosuppressive agents. This suggests that RHB-104 could serve as an add-on therapy for patients not responding to their current treatment regimen.

Market Context:

The Crohn’s disease market was valued at over $13 billion in 2023. Commonly used therapies include Abbvie’s Humira® (adalimumab), Janssen’s Remicade® (infliximab) and Stelara® (ustekinumab), Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Zeposia® (ozanimod), and Pfizer’s Xeljanz® (tofacitinib). The introduction of RHB-104 could potentially disrupt this market by offering a novel approach to treatment.


RedHill Biopharma Ltd’s recent advancements with RHB-104 mark a significant step forward in the treatment of Crohn’s disease. The promising Phase 3 results not only boost the company’s stock but also bring hope to patients suffering from this chronic condition. As the Crohn’s disease market continues to grow, the potential for RHB-104 to become a key player in this space looks increasingly likely.