Cassava Sciences Inc (NASDAQ: SAVA) Announces Positive Data in Alzheimer’s Disease

Cassava Sciences Inc (NASDAQ: SAVA) aims to find and develop unique treatments for Chronic, neurodegenerative conditions. The company announced the positive Biomarker and Cognition data with Simufilam in Alzheimer’s disease. The company further stated that data revealed by Biomarker is on the improvement track with Cognitive improvements. Moreover, as per the data, simufilam has a vast potential to provide treatment effective for patients living with Alzheimer’s.

Positive Biomarker Data provides a step for further study

Cassava Sciences announces positive data from the study of simufilam, the unique treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The clinical study, funded by NIH (The National Institutes of health), observed that simufilam improved all biomarkers in people with Alzheimer’s disease after six months of open-label treatment. The company further stated, there are no placebo effects. Crebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of neurodegeneration, Nfl, and neurogranin, reduced 55% and 72%, respectively. The company collected the data from the twenty-five patients with Alzheimer’s disease who had completed the six months of treatment in an ongoing clinical study. The study further revealed that the six months of simufilam treatment improved brain biomarkers sharply. In addition, it also revealed that the treatment improves cognition.

Simufilam treatment improves cognition

The company reveals that simufilam treatment improves cognition in people with Alzheimer’s disease. It improved 3.0 points, and the data is on track with Biomarker improvements. Further, the company stated there are no behavior disorders in over 50% of patients. The data revealed by Biomarker and Cognitive Data indicates a step forward for the treatment. A Clinical study funded by NIH (The National Institutes of health), simufilam improved cognition in Alzheimer’s patients significantly, with no safety issues. The data is based on the data collected from the fifty patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The patient undertaken for the study had completed nine months of the simufilam treatment.

The company further stated that simufilam treatment improved biomarkers, cognition, and behavior win for the patients undertaken for the study. Further, these data, coupled with safety protocols and oral administration, indicate highly motivating and effective treatment for patients living with Alzheimer’s disease. However, the Cognition outcomes suggest that simufilam’s treatment effects were broad-based and not a specific relief.