Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s (NASDAQ:REGN) COVID-19 Drug Cocktail Seeing Increase In Demand After “Curing” President Trump

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There is an increase in inquiries from patients regarding Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s (NASDAQ:REGN) investigational COVID-19 drug cocktail that treated President Trump last week. Trump has promised to make the antibody-based SARS-CoV-2 free to Americans while calling it a blessing from God to cure the virus.

Regeneron submits EUA for REGN-CoV2

According to two doctors involved in the drug trials, the number of patients asking to be enrolled in the drug’s study has been huge. However, experts have warned it is still early to consider REGN-CoV2 a potential COVID-19 treatment because it is still in the trial’s early stages. Trump, who was diagnosed with COVID-19 recently, which caused lung inflammation resulting in blood oxygen levels to drop, was discharged last week after treatment with REGN-CoV2. According to a Regeneron spokesperson, his doctor confirmed that blood tests had shown infection-fighting antibodies, which were from the treatment.

After Trump praised the drug, the company announced submitting an application to the FDA for emergency use authorization for REGN-CoV2. The drug is a blend of two antibodies to help the immune system in fighting the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Trump, who called the drug Regeneron, lauded the Therapy’s benefits and said he will push for EUA for the drug to benefit other Americans.

Experts cautious on the potential of REGN-CoV2 due to limited data

Already the company has released some data that shows the potential of the Therapy in treating COVID-19. Doctors are concerned that the treatment of COVID-19 and its promotion will put pressure on regulators. Dr. Gary Klein, one of the investigators so of the trial and pediatric immunologists at the School of Medicine at the University of Miami Miller, said that he had already received requests from patients who want to be involved in the trial.

On Monday, top US Infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci cast doubts that REGN-CoV2 had contributed to President Trump’s progress. Fauci said that this cannot be proven until more trials are conducted to see that it works.