Monopar Therapeutics’ (MNPR) MNPR-101-Zr Shows Promising Tumor Targeting in Early Clinical Trial

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Exciting news from the world of cancer research! Monopar Therapeutics Inc. (MNPR), a clinical-stage radiopharma company, has just released positive early data from its ongoing MNPR-101-Zr Phase 1 trial. The results confirm the tumor targeting ability of MNPR-101-Zr in humans.

What is MNPR-101-Zr?

MNPR-101-Zr is a zirconium-89 imaging radioisotope conjugated to MNPR-101, Monopar’s proprietary first-in-class humanized monoclonal antibody. It targets cancers that express the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), which includes a majority of triple-negative breast, colorectal, bladder, ovarian, gastric, and pancreatic cancers.

The Promising Results

A total-body PET image taken 7 days after administration of MNPR-101-Zr in the first cancer patient showed impressive specificity, durability, and uptake of MNPR-101-Zr in the metastatic tumors compared to normal tissue. The areas of higher uptake also matched the locations of the previously observed metastatic tumors on conventional FDG PET imaging.

Andrew Cittadine, Monopar’s Chief Operating Officer, expressed his enthusiasm: “This is exactly what we had hoped to see – highly preferential uptake in the tumor.”

Comparison to the Gold Standard

MNPR-101-Zr was evaluated against FDG, the current gold standard for detecting metastatic tumors. Using the same Siemens Biograph Vision Quadra™ PET/CT scanner, the results showed that MNPR-101-Zr achieved uptake at sites of known disease with retention out to late points, which is very encouraging for future therapeutic applications.

Next Steps

Monopar has recently received clearance in Australia to start an MNPR-101-Lu Phase 1 therapeutic clinical trial, which is planned to launch in the fourth quarter of this year.

Additionally, the company is looking forward to presenting further data at the upcoming European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2024 Annual Congress, where their abstract has been accepted as a ‘Top-Rated Oral Presentation’.

Overall, this is a significant development for Monopar Therapeutics and potentially for cancer patients worldwide. The early data suggests that MNPR-101-Zr could be a valuable tool for imaging and potentially treating a range of advanced cancers.

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