Adptimmune Therapeutics Plc (NASDAQ: ADAP) Releases Encouraging Data From SURPASS Study in Multiple Tumors

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Adptimmune Therapeutics Plc (NASDAQ: ADAP) has announced its latest data from the first phase SURPASS study in multiple solid tumors. The data will be presented at the upcoming ESMO annual summit in a digital poster. 

Adaptmimmune publishes SURPASS study data  on the ESMO website 

Notably, the poster will be available on the ESMO website on September 16, 2021. Adaptimmune has equally released a video of its CEO Adrian Rawcliffe and Chief Medical officer Elliot Norry describing the data in detail. 

Rawcliffe said, “It is no longer a question of whether our SPEAR T-cells are effective against a range of MAGE-A4 expressing tumors — they undoubtedly are. Now, our focus is on turning them into approved therapies. This begins with ongoing recruitment in this SURPASS trial for people with lung, bladder, gastroesophageal, head and neck, and now ovarian cancer, and continues with the recently initiated SURPASS 2 trial in esophageal and EGJ cancers.”

He added, “These data bring us closer to identifying further indications to take into late-stage development and confirm our expertise in developing and enhancing cell therapies. ADP-A2M4CD8 does exactly what we designed it to do — kill cancer cells and more effectively engage the broader immune system to deliver improved potency and clinical benefit.”

Encouraging SURPASS Phase 1 study data  

Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics Deputy Chair at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre said, “We are encouraged by these promising early data from the SURPASS trial. Having previously seen strong responses with afami-cel, this next-generation cell therapy appears safe and demonstrated anti-tumor activity for a majority of patients across many cancer indications.”

 Topline results as of the data cut-off date of August 2, 2021, indicated that 25 patients received the next-gen ADP-A2M4CD8 in the first phase SURPASS study. Out of which 22 were evaluable for efficacy with one post-baseline scan meeting the more than four weeks duration for stable disease evaluation.